Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

MUED 8100 Advanced Music Education Methods

The course will explore philosophy, design, implementation, and supervision of curriculum for music programs in the public schools.

Registration Name

Adv Music Education Methods

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





Admission to EDS program in Music Education.


Demorest: Summer

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:
  1. Knowledge of the history of public education in the United States and its relationship to the development of music education.
  2. Knowledge of the philosophical thought of leading educators throughout the history of public education and its effect on music education.
  3. Knowledge of the processes of curriculum development and the major curricular movements in general education/music education.
  4. The ability to develop hypothetical program models for public school systems.
  5. The ability to plan and demonstrate appropriate teaching/learning strategies.
  6. The ability to develop administrative and supervisory structures for all levels of music education in the public schools.
  7. Knowledge of the historical and philosophical roots of curriculum in public education.
  8. The ability to construct critical analyses of educational standards, aims, goals, and objectives at all levels: national, state, local, school, program.
  9. Knowledge of the principles of instruction and evaluation.
  10. Knowledge of the principles of curriculum design.
  11. Knowledge of the principles of leadership and administration.