Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

ATRG 5120 Practical and Emergency Techniques in Athletic Training

This laboratory-based course includes principles and techniques in the emergency care of injuries and conditions to the physically active. Content will include, but is not limited to; CPR, basic life support, AED usage, oxygen administration, Heimlich maneuver, emergency response and planning, and the healthcare chain. Special consideration will be given to bloodborne and airborne pathogens and the prevention of disease transmission. Additionally, concepts and skills regarding protective equipment fitting and removal, taping, wrapping, bracing (preventatively and functionally), emergency transportation techniques including spine boarding will be included.

Registration Name

Prac Tech Athletic Training

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





ATRG or HLHP Program Admission


Demorest: Summer

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

• (70) Students will demonstrate the ability to modify standard diagnostic examination procedures to clinically evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions according to the demands of the situation and the patient's ability to respond and interpret those results to determine when referral is necessary.
• (70a) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: cardiac compromise (ECC, supplemental oxygen, suction, adjunct airways, nitroglycerine, and low dose aspirin) with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70b) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: respiratory compromise (pulse oximetry, adjunct airways, suction, supplemental oxygen, spirometry, metered-dose inhalers, nebulizers, and bronchodilators) with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70c) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: environmental conditions (lightning, heat, cold, rectal thermometry) with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70d) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: cervical spine compromise (stabilization and transportation techniques, equipment removal considerations and methods).
• (70e) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: traumatic brain injury (catastrophic and emergent, subdural hematoma, epidural hematoma, second impact syndrome, non-epileptic seizure disorder) with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70f) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: internal and external hemorrhage (tourniquet and hemostatic agent use, hypovolemic shock) with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70g) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: fractures and dislocations (including reductions) with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70l) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: wounds (including care and closure) with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70m) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: testicular injury with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (70n) Students will evaluate and manage patients with acute conditions, including triaging those that are life threatening or otherwise emergent, including: other musculoskeletal injury with and without suspected spine injury and/or protective equipment.
• (71e) Students will perform an initial, follow-up, or modified evaluation appropriate for the circumstances and patient's ability to respond to formulate a differential diagnosis, plan of care, and return to play criteria that includes identifying appropriate referrals.
• (78) Students will select, apply, evaluate, and modify appropriate durable medical equipment, standard orthotic devices, taping, wrapping, bracing, padding, casting, and other custom fabrications for the client/patient in order to prevent and/or minimize the risk of injury to the head, torso, spine, and extremities for safe participation in sport or other physical activity.
• (86) Students will select, apply, evaluate, modify, and/or remove appropriate standard protective equipment, taping, wrapping, bracing, padding, casting, and other custom orthotic devices in order to prevent and/or minimize the risk of injury or re-injury in sport or other physical activity.
• (CHES 1.2.1) Students will identify primary data, secondary data, and evidence-informed resources related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.3) Students will conduct a literature review related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.4) Students will procure secondary data sources related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.5) Students will determine the validity and reliability of secondary data related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.6) Students will identify potential gaps in secondary data related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.7) Students will determine primary data collection needs, instruments, methods, and procedures related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 1.2.8) Students will adhere to established procedures to collect qualitative and/or quantitative data related to health education/promotion.
• (CHES 6.5.4) Students will use current and emerging tools and trends (e.g., social media) to communicate health information.
• (CHES 6.5.5) Students will deliver oral and written health communication that aligns with professional standards of grammar, punctuation, and style.