Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

ARED 7702 Advanced Studies in Art Instruction

Seminars, presentations, workshops, and peer collaborative planning will help students understand their role as curriculum designers. An emphasis will be on developing age-appropriate long-range curricula based on current strategies used in studio practice, art history, and aesthetic inquiry methods appropriate for the k-12 grade child. Instructional methodologies for teaching and assessing will be reassessed. Topics include a history of art education related to current issues, integration of art instruction into the total process of education, and sociocultural approaches to pedagogy. Directed field-based experience required. Teaching of laboratory classes or within personal classroom are required.

Registration Name

Adv Studies in Art Instruction

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours






Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. A basic understanding of curriculum structures for elementary art programs in the content areas of studio production, art history and art analysis. Evidence: One comprehensive curriculum research paper (3 pages) one scholarly curriculum comparison presentation (focus 7-12 grades)
  2. Engage in practical experiences in working with curriculum appropriate to teaching art in k-12 classroom. Evidence: written curriculum reflections
  3. A commitment to continual growth as an art educator. Evidence: Book Review
  4. Understand the role of art teacher as curriculum designer.
  5. Demonstrate effective action research practices that are designed to impact the local school and student in a positive way. Evidence: Methodology/work on research.