Graduate Catalog 2022-2023

Graduate Readmission

Graduate students who have been away from Piedmont University less than two years and were not granted a leave of absence must apply for readmission. To reapply, the student must submit an Application for Readmission form to the Office of Graduate Admissions at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the semester the student is planning to attend. Forms are available in the Registrar’s Office or at the Piedmont University website: Upon receipt of the readmission request, the Office of Graduate Admissions will send the application and associated documents to the appropriate Dean of the program of study for review. The Dean of the program of study will make a determination and inform the Office of Graduate Admissions of the decision to admit or deny. The Office of Graduate Admissions will notify the student of the result to admit or deny.

Graduate students who have been away from Piedmont University for two consecutive years or more must go through the admissions process and provide necessary documentation as directed by Graduate Admissions.

Note: No course may be older than six (6) years at the time of graduation. This rule is applied at the end of the semester (i.e. a fall 2016 course expires at the end of the fall 2022 semester).