Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

CVTE 4026 Echocardiography Pathology II

This course provides in depth study of ventricular function, both systolic and diastolic, as well as treatment and the role of echocardiography in guiding treatment. Prosthetic valve evaluation, and both simple and complex Congenital Heart Diseases, Each section of diseases will be discussed in detail regarding causes, signs, symptoms, echocardiographic findings and complications. This course also discusses wall motion abnormalities in relation to pathologic situations. Discussion is both detailed and concise for understanding and comprehension.

The lab section of this course provides hands on experience in the application of echocardiography, the most effective noninvasive method for use in cardiac diagnosis. The lab session includes the practice of echocardiography techniques with valvular area calculations during pathologic situations, abnormal LV measurements, and abnormal ejection fractions, fractional shortening, stroke volumes, and left ventricular function abnormalities as well as advanced calculations for shunts, diastolic function. Cropping for 3 D echo and speckle tracking.



Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Discuss advanced measurements for systolic and diastolic function.
  2. Understand the uses for Tissue Doppler.
  3. Discuss in detail all facets of diastolic dysfunction.
  4. Have extensive knowledge of prosthetic valves types and functions.
  5. Identify how prosthetic valve types are decided upon and the potential complications.
  6. Discuss various types of pacemakers and how they are used.
  7. List the possible complications of pacemaker insertion.
  8. Discuss Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT).
  9. Understand cardiac Embryology.
  10. Discuss the components of Simple and Complex Congenital Heart disease.
  11. Recognize the Echocardiographic findings of both simple and complex congenital heart disease.
  12. Identify the types of ultrasound contrast agents and how they are used.
  13. List the purpose of stress echocardiography and the exam components.
  14. Perform patient education necessary for the exam.
  15. Identify and eliminate unnecessary artifacts.
  16. Perform correct measurements.
  17. Insure quality control.
  18. Demonstrate proper use and care of equipment.
  19. Demonstrate and perform echo protocols.
  20. Perform biplane left ventricular function assessments.
  21. Accurately measure and utilize atrial volume information.
  22. Calculate a QP/QS shunt ratio and recognize normal from abnormal.