Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

CVTE 4010 Ultrasound Physics

This course provides the basis for understanding ultrasound, acoustics and instrumentation. The course will cover basic acoustics such as frequency, period, wavelength, amplitude and power, as well as the equations to calculate these parameters. Pulsed ultrasound will be introduced along with the parameters associated with it such as Spatial pulse length, pulse repetition frequency, pulse repetition period and pulse duration. Transducer technology will also be discussed so the student can understand the mechanics of wave generation along with the historical perspective of transducers. Bioeffects and safety will be discussed in detail, and the student will be able to identify the different safety measures that are used.



Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Understand the basic principles of sound transmission and how it works in medical ultrasound.
  2. Understand the difference between direct, inverse and unrelated relationships.
  3. Understand measurement and prefixes associated with scientific notation.
  4. Understand logarithms.
  5. Describe how sound travels and what variables effect its transmission.
  6. Identify parameters such as Frequency, Period and Wavelength and how they are related.
  7. Explain intensity and its multiple components.
  8. Understand pulsed ultrasound and its parameters such as Pulsed Repetition Frequency, Pulse Repetition Period, Pulse Duration.
  9. Discuss the bioeffects of ultrasound and what parameters are most useful in determining the safe use of ultrasound.
  10. Understand sound transmission and mediums.
  11. Discuss basic signal processing and the electronics in an ultrasound system.
  12. Be familiar with principles such as Snell’s Law, Huygens principle, Reynolds number.
  13. Understand the Doppler effect and the various uses of Doppler in medicine.
  14. Discuss transducer mechanics and how they generate ultrasound and generate images.
  15. Explain the difference between Pulsed, Continuous, Color and Tissue Doppler functions.
  16. Read, analyze and solve physics problems in preparation for the national registry exam.
  17. Identify the appropriate controls on the ultrasound system and how the change images.
  18. Demonstrate the proper care and operation of medical equipment.
  19. Receive an introduction to imaging and machine functions.
  20. Learn to identify ultrasound principles in a practical setting by participating in clinic daily.
  21. Will begin basic imaging views and techniques.