Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

Honor Societies

Alpha Chi is a national academic honor society. Membership in the University’s Epsilon Chapter, which was established in 1975, is open by invitation only to qualified members of the junior and senior classes who meet the specific demanding qualification criteria established by the national office. Among the standards for invitation is the student’s standing within the uppermost 10 percent of either the junior or senior class.

Alpha Lambda Delta is the national honor society for first-year students. It is open to full-time students who have earned at least a 3.5 GPA during their first semester or first year at Piedmont.

Alpha Psi Omega is a national honorary theatre society for colleges and universities. The organization honors those who have contributed to the Piedmont University theatre program. Leadership opportunities are provided for students interested in theatre and in promoting the theatre program.

Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honor society founded in 1945-46 to recognize adult students in continuing higher education who achieve academic excellence while managing responsibilities of family, work, and the community. Pi Rho, a chapter of this honor society, was established on Piedmont’s campus in the fall of 2000. Membership is by invitation to those who are at least 23 years of age, have completed 24 credit hours at Piedmont University, have a GPA of at least 3.2, and rank in the top 10 percent of their school.

Chi Alpha Sigma is a non-profit organization established to recognize University student athletes who earn a varsity letter in at least one sport while maintaining a 3.4 or higher cumulative GPA throughout their junior and senior years.

Compass Program Honor Society recognizes students who have completed two or more experiential learning projects registered with the Compass Experiential Learning Program office. Please see the Piedmont University Compass Program portion of the catalog for details.

Delta Mu Delta is the international honor society in business for schools accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Founded in 1913, the society’s Lambda Iota chapter was chartered at Piedmont University in 2007. The society is open to junior and senior business majors who achieve minimum GPA of 3.25, rank in the top 20 percent of their class, and have completed the last 27 credit hours enrolled at Piedmont University.

Health Sciences Leadership Academy is intended to stimulate and reward student engagement with the University and community through professional development endeavors related to students’ academic and personal goals. Students earn professional development points by participating in, leading, and/or organizing volunteer activities, campus clubs, guest speakers events, themed workshops, and participation at state and regional conferences.

Kappa Mu Epsilon, established in 1931, is an honor society dedicated to the promotion of professionalism among the nation’s mathematics students. A chapter of this society was established on Piedmont’s campus in the spring of 1999. It is open to individuals meeting the following criteria: minimum sophomore standing; top 35 percent of their class; and completed at least three mathematics courses (including calculus) with a “B” or better average.

Kappa Pi is a national honorary art society. The Piedmont chapter was organized in 2005 to promote greater interest in the knowledge and appreciation of art. Membership is based on artistic and academic excellence.

Phi Sigma Iota is an international foreign language honor society recognizing outstanding accomplishment in the study or teaching of any of the academic fields related to foreign language, literature, or culture. These fields include not only modern foreign languages, but also Classics, Linguistics, Philology, Comparative Literature, Bilingual Education, Second Language Acquisition and other interdisciplinary programs with a significant foreign language component. Phi Sigma Iota is the highest academic honor in the field of foreign languages.

Psi Chi is the international honor society in psychology. To be a member, a student must have completed at least 45 semester hours, have a declared major or minor in psychology, have completed at least nine semester hours in psychology, have both an overall GPA and psychology GPA of 3.5 or higher, and have high standards of personal behavior.

College of Nursing and Health Sciences Health Sciences Honor Society recognizes students for academic excellence, leadership, creativity, and service to the community.
Eligibility for Health Sciences Students: Junior or senior standing, >3.5GPA, and demonstrate leadership, critical thinking, and positive interpersonal relationships.
Eligibility for Nursing Students: Top 15% of the nursing cohort from both the Demorest and Athens campus; a minimum of 45 NURS credit hours and currently enrolled full-time; a minimum 3.0 GPA from NURS courses (not to include grade forgiveness/repeated coursework); in good standing exhibiting strong leadership and critical thinking skills. All eligible candidates are reviewed and nominated by the nursing faculty at large for induction each spring.

Sigma Alpha Pi, the National Society of Leadership and Success, is dedicated to creating long-term positive change in students’ lives. In addition to having the opportunity to hear some of the nation’s leading presenters, authors, and success coaches, students who become members of the Society become a part of a community of like-minded, goal-oriented individuals. Members also avail themselves to scholarship opportunities and national awards once they become a member. There is a one-time membership charge and, once inducted, members are able to network with other members all across the USA and other countries. Sigma Alpha Pi membership is open to incoming freshmen with a 3.5 high school GPA and to current Piedmont University students who are maintaining a 3.0 GPA.

Sigma Tau Delta is the international English honor society. Requirements for membership are a minimum of two university courses in English language or literature beyond English 1101 and 1102, at least a “B” average in all English classes, placement in the top 35 percent of the class, and completion of at least three semesters of university course work.

Society for Collegiate Journalists is the oldest national honorary collegiate journalism organization. A chapter of this society was established on Piedmont’s campus in the spring of 2003. To be considered for membership a student must have completed at least 60 semester hours, be a mass communications major or minor, completed at least 9 semester hours in mass communications, have an overall GPA of at least 3.3, demonstrate significant contribution to the department, and demonstrate professional behavior.

The Torch of Piedmont is an honor society for women students at Piedmont University. Eligible women must have completed at least four semesters as full-time students at Piedmont University and must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.9. Transfer students who received an associate degree from a two-year college must complete at least two semesters at Piedmont University and must have a minimum grade point average of 3.9. Requirements for members include outstanding academic achievement, qualities of leadership, executive ability, and attendance at the induction/pinning ceremony.