Student Handbook 2021-2022

Academic Freedom

Piedmont University defines academic freedom as the belief that the freedom of inquiry by faculty and students is essential to the mission of the college and that both faculty and students must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence without fear of censorship or discipline.

Piedmont University faculty members may discuss their subjects in the classroom with complete freedom of expression but should not introduce controversial matters unrelated to the subject. Nor should faculty teach their subjects in any way that is contrary to the mission of the University.

Piedmont University faculty members may pursue research and publish the results as long as these activities do not interfere with their teaching or other obligations to the University. However, research or publication for pecuniary return should be undertaken only after consultation with the dean of their respective school.

Piedmont University faculty members have complete freedom as citizens to speak in public without the threat of institutional censorship or discipline. However, as representatives of their academic disciplines and of Piedmont University, faculty members have an obligation to show tolerance and respect for the opinions of others and to be accurate as to the facts. If faculty members make statements contrary to the mission of Piedmont University, it must be stated clearly they are not speaking for the college.

Piedmont University safeguards and protects these rights of academic freedom by providing faculty and students the right to initiate grievance procedures should they have complaints dealing with the infringement of academic freedom.