Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

Sociology and Anthropology (SOAN)


Professor White

Associate Professors Jacobs and Lovern

Anthropology at Piedmont College is designed to promote understanding of the diversity of cultures (both past and present) as well as the relationships among them, to promote the recognition of the achievements of past and present cultures, and to promote a greater understanding of ourselves as human beings.

Sociology is a perspective on and the study of social life. Humans are first and foremost social animals who organize themselves into a variety of social forms depending on social and historical circumstances. A necessary condition for full participation in social life is the ability to understand, explain and evaluate these social forms or societies.

No matter what social roles a person plays throughout life, an appreciation of the anthropological and sociological perspective will be of benefit. The ability to understand these various roles will be enhanced because of five things. The first is the ability to think critically, to identify the various forces or conditions which we live. The second is the ability to think critically, to use acquired analytical and research skills. The third is the ability to appreciate and understand the diversity of cultures. The fourth is the ability to use the anthropological and sociological perspective to make the world a better place for all individuals.

Course Descriptions