Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

Physics (PHYS)


Assistant Professors Camarota and Holt

Physics is the most fundamental science. It forms the basis for most other sciences and engineering disciplines. Physics provides a logical framework to build on the basic principles of nature that are derived from repeatable experiments. An applied physics major will gain experience in mechanics, thermodynamics, electromagnetism, fluids, materials, electrical circuits, relativity and quantum mechanics. These topics provide the basis for virtually every engineering discipline.

The results of physics impact our everyday lives in a host of ways. For example, physicists invented and played key roles in the development of radar, sonar, global positioning satellite systems, and night vision for the military; X-rays, CAT, and PET scans in medicine; fiber optics, transistors, radio, and internet in electronics; sensors for oil, gas, and mineral exploration. Physicists contribute their expertise to provide better transportation, computers, distribution systems, nuclear energy, better aerodynamic cars, boats, and trains; more stable brides, buildings, and roads; better understanding of earthquakes, the earth, and weather. In fact, it would be hard to find an area of life that has not been impacted by the application of physics.

Course Descriptions