Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

MUSC 4930 Church Music Internship I

The Church Music Internship is designed for a music student with a concentration in Church Music who desires to make practical application of their skills and musical knowledge developed through their academic curriculum. This course provides the music student with the opportunity to gain practical experience in a Church Music environment by working in a large church music program as a pianist, organist, choir director, leader of any sort of ensemble, or as an assistant to the Music Director. Placement will be made by the department chair. The student is required to log a certain number of hours each week, which will be based on the interests of the student and the needs of the particular church in which the student is placed.




A minimum of the completion of 90 credit hours and consent of Conservatory director.

Typically Offered

Demorest Campus: fall day, spring day

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Work on the site of a sponsoring church under the supervision of the church administrator, minister, or director of music.
  2. Keep a journal of activities pertinent to the projects assigned.
  3. Keep a calendar of important church dates, events, and services.
  4. Work with a church choir and other volunteer musicians in the development of a church music program.
  5. Be reflective and self-aware of weaknesses and strengths through clear writing in daily/weekly journals and a final paper which summarizes the total internship experience in terms of anticipated and unanticipated learning outcomes in their practical performance.