Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

ENGL 6627 American Romanticism

Survey of the major nineteenth-century American romantic literature.



Typically Offered

As needed online

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Use standard critical methods for the study of the prose and poetry of major nineteenth-century American authors, 1830-1865.
  2. Integrate textual evidence into written and oral expression and examine divergent perspectives and approaches to literary interpretation; investigate the historical scholarship, literary scholarship, rhetorical elements of literary production, and the great range of literary forms of this literary “American Renaissance.”
  3. Synthesize contemporary experiences of other important contemporary writers, including Fuller, Douglass, Chopin, Alcott, Cooper, and Stowe.
  4. Analyze social, political, and theological factors that have influenced the formation of these texts.
  5. Develop your historical imagination; recognize our common humanity expressed in literature; find and puzzle over the authors’ teachings; and intensify your empathic reactions to perceptions of life expressed by literary art.