Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

EDMG 7745 Advanced Internship (4-8)

A candidate must complete an application for advanced internship prior to registering for EDMG 7744 and provide a copy of his/her year long teaching contract to the department chair. The internship extends throughout one academic year (two semesters). It is preferable that candidates begin an internship in the fall semester and complete it the following spring semester. The internship experience is based in a public or accredited private school. Internship placements may take place only within a 50 mile radius of the campus unless otherwise approved by the Dean of the School of Education. Candidates are jointly supervised by college faculty and the employing school. This is a pass/fail course.




Cumulative GPA of 3.0, admission to teacher education, a non-renewable certificate issued by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (which requires a passing score on the GACE CONTENT Tests), and permission of the department chair.

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)

Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. The teacher candidate must set and evaluate goals during each semester of the Advanced Internship. These goals should be based on the Teacher Keys Effectiveness System (TKES) Teacher Assessment on Performance Standards (TAPS). At the beginning of the first semester, the teacher candidate will submit to the college supervisor, for review, goals enhancing his or her professional development. The teacher candidate will monitor his or her progress toward reaching the goals throughout the semester as needed. The teacher candidate will create and submit a plan of improvement for goals not met and/or develop new goals for the next semester. 
  2. The teacher candidate periodically meets with his or her college supervisor to discuss progress towards the completion of the goals. 
  3. The college supervisor will make formal visits to the teacher candidate’s classroom to observe him/her teaching, and provide constructive feedback on the progress toward meeting the goals of the program, as well those developed by the teacher candidate. College supervisors are expected to give constructive feedback after observing the teacher candidate. Observation tools, assessment forms, and communication strategies built into the program are used to foster dialogue and subsequent understanding. College supervisors will work with teacher candidates to develop areas in need of improvement, and to hone the teaching skills of the teacher candidate. 
  4. College supervisors are expected to make 3 school visits per semester to observe the teacher candidate. More visits may be necessary if the teacher candidate is not making satisfactory progress. 
  5. The college supervisor will evaluate the teacher candidate by conferring with the mentor teacher and completing the Intern Keys rubrics (Same as TAPS rubrics). Piedmont College encourages reflection through weekly journals. Reflection will occur weekly via an e-mail journal entry to the college supervisor. This entry should include reflections concerning successes, problems, classroom management issues, teaching strategies, and activities in which the teacher candidate participated. The depth of the reflections should move beyond “describing”, and include a discussion of insights, action(s) taken, and connection with research on best practices. The teacher candidate is encouraged to reflect upon his or her progress toward achieving the core candidate learning outcomes.