Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

ATRG 6420 Seminar (Capstone Course)

This course includes BOC exam preparation, professional resume/vitae development, and interview skills practice. Research literature will be used to determine the evidence underpinning current practice and to develop critical thinking skills. Each student will also complete an original research project, write a professional report, and present the results of the study to the faculty, staff, and students. CAPSTONE COURSE




HSCS 5410

Typically Offered

Demorest Campus: spring

Student Learning Outcomes


  1. Students will advocate for the health needs of clients, patients, communities, and populations. (56)
  2. Students will provide athletic training services in a manner that uses evidence to inform practice, including: 1) the ability to differentiate between narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses; 2) the ability to describe and differentiate types of qualitative and quantitative research, research components, and levels of research evidence; and 3) use standard criteria to critically appraise the structure, rigor, and overall quality of research studies to create and answer clinical questions. (62a)
  3. Students will provide athletic training services in a manner that uses evidence to inform practice, including: 1) the use of clinical outcome assessment instruments; and 2) the development and use of clinical prediction rules to determine the effectiveness and efficacy of intervention strategies. (62b)
  4. Students will use quality assurance and quality improvement strategies to enhance client/patient care, including the use of evidence to: 1) differentiate between narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses; 2) describe and differentiate types of qualitative and quantitative research, research components, and levels of research evidence; and 3) critically appraise the structure, rigor, and overall quality of research studies to create and answer clinical questions. (63a)
  5. Students will apply contemporary principles and practices of health informatics to patient care delivery and administration, including: 1) use outcome assessment data to drive informed decisions regarding intervention efficacy, patient status, and progress toward goals using psychometrically sound instruments. (64a)
  6. Students will apply contemporary principles and practices of health informatics to patient care delivery and administration, including: 2) search, retrieve, analyze, and use information derived from databases and online critical appraisal libraries for clinical decision support. (64b)
  7. Students will practice in a manner that is congruent with ethical standards of the profession as defined by, 1) the legal parameters that define an athletic trainer's scope of care and differentiated their role, responsibilities, preparation, and scope of practice from other providers; and 2) the essential documents of the national governing, credentialing, and regulatory bodies. (65)
  8. Students will advocate for the profession by, 1) understanding the history and functions of the NATA, BOC, and CAATE; 2) identifying mechanisms by which ATs influence state and federal healthcare regulation; 3) identifying key regulatory agencies that govern healthcare facilities and service delivery; and 4) implementing strategies to educate colleagues, students, clients, the public, and other healthcare professionals about athletic training responsibilities, scope of practice, and educational preparation. (68)