Graduate Catalog 2018-2019

EDUC 7774 Engaging Students as a STEM Educator

The goal of this course is to apply STEM education practices to student learning in a traditional or non-traditional educational setting be it a STEM academy school, the Piedmont College STEM Discovery Center, STEM camps or similar settings. Candidates will extend their practices with STEM industry/business partners and STEM experts culminating in parallel applications of technology to prepare college and career ready students, STEM capstone projects, student internships, and STEM related School Based Enterprises. Candidates will develop a plan for post-endorsement commitment to STEM education in a leadership or support capacity.



Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)

Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

Candidates will complete an interdisciplinary STEM culminating project through which they will:

  1. Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of and the ability to integrate STEM content standards.
  2. Demonstrate the ability to engage students in STEM reasoning that reveals how STEM professionals think and solve problems. (summative) 
  3. Demonstrate the dispositions necessary to be effective interdisciplinary STEM educators (i.e., life-long learning, value collaborations, flexible, high tolerance for ambiguity, risk taker, innovative, committed to the profession, self-reflective, perseverance).
  4. Demonstrate the ability to work effectively within a STEM focused multidisciplinary professional learning community to achieve a common goal and to co-plan authentic STEM based experiences and interdisciplinary lessons.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to engage students using STEM and STEM related discipline pedagogical practices.
  6. Show evidence of an interaction with a STEM related business or externship with STEM professionals to gain perspective of what it is to work in a STEM or STEM related field.