Withdrawal from Classes
Within the first several days of a term, students may add and drop courses with the permission of their advisor. The date ranges for drop/add vary depending on the semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer) and duration of the class (8-week or 15-week). Students should check the academic calendar for specific information. Courses dropped during the drop/add period do not appear on the transcript.
After the initial drop/add period, a student may withdraw from a class by completing a drop/add form, which must be signed by the advisor and the professor and must include the last date of attendance.
Students who withdraw from a course on or prior to the date noted in the University’s official academic calendar as the “last day to withdraw without receiving academic penalty” shall receive a “W” for the course and the hours will not be counted in the calculation of GPA. Students have to pay for the course and the hours do count against HOPE eligibility. Class withdrawals after this date will result in a grade of “W” or “WF” based on the grade at time of withdrawal, and the hours will be counted in the calculation of GPA if a grade of “WF” is earned. Students who stop attending but do not submit appropriate forms to withdraw will receive an “F.”