Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

THTR 4410 Fundamentals of Directing

This course is a study of the techniques of stage direction, including practical exercises in script analysis, blocking techniques and staging selected or improvisational scenes. After in depth play analysis, each student stages a scene or a short play. Written analysis required.

Registration Name

Fundamentals of Directing

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





THTR 2205 AND THTR 2210

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Through research, analysis and reflection, gain confidence in their ability to make justified choices onstage. 
  2. Have a firm understanding of the process of directing a play based on textual and research information.
  3. Fully utilize directing techniques (picturization, rhythmic beats, visual perception, communicating through ground plans, etc.). 
  4. Achieve a comprehensive understanding of text analysis, play structure and dramaturgical research.
  5. Through self-assessment, actor feedback and a faculty review, identify and enhance their developing skills as a director. 
  6. Document their growth and directing process as an avenue for developing their unique directing style.