Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

SPAN 2205 Spanish Conversation

Designed to improve pronunciation and to increase proficiency in the practical use of Spanish in conversation.

Registration Name

Spanish Conversation

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





SPAN 2202 or permission of department.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Analyze the Spanish language, its dialects in their social, cultural, and historical contexts.
  2. Communicate at a Spanish intermediate mid-level with native speakers and classmates. They will be able to listen, read and write intermediate mid passages in intermediate Spanish.
  3. Gain a strong knowledge and understanding of Spanish Language and its dialects and make connections to other disciplines and to additional bodies of knowledge that may be unavailable to the monolingual speaker.
  4. Compare and contrast their native language with the Spanish language. Students will develop insight into the nature of language and the concept of culture and realize that there are multiple ways of viewing the world.
  5. Integrate their knowledge of the Spanish language, cultures and customs to appropriately address the differences of multilingual communities.