Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

NRSC 2900 Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience

This course is an introduction to behavioral neuroscience. The course provides an overview of the anatomy, physiology, and function of the nervous system. The course covers a broad range of psychological phenomena, including the stress response, sleep, perception, movement, motivation, emotion, learning and memory, and social behavior. We will discuss each phenomenon in terms of the overt behavior that describes the phenomena and in terms of the underlying neurophysiology. This course serves as a survey course for student curious about brain and behavior; and it serves as a foundational course for students interested in taking the upper-level neuroscience courses.

Registration Name

Intro to Behav. Neuroscience

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours




Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the general anatomy and physiology of the brain
  2. Explain how the brain contributes to different aspects of behavior
  3. Identify brain-related disorders based on symptoms and neuropathology