Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

MUSC 1175 Piano Class V

Group lesson designed to prepare keyboard majors for an advanced Piano Proficiency Exam.

Registration Name

Piano Class V

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





MUSC 1174 and passing score on the Piano Proficiency Exam, or standing as a piano major or organ major

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Improvisation (possibly including, but not limited to, use of correct scale, ability to anticipate and react appropriately to chord changes, communicative instinct, rhythmic impulse, etc.).
  2. Hymn playing (possibly including, but not limited to, appropriate introduction (including tempo, key, duration, etc.), ability to play appropriate improvisational filler when necessary, appropriate musicality, attention to melodic line, voicing, registration, emotional content, etc.).
  3. Score reading (possibly including, but not limited to, correct transpositions if applicable, maintenance of tempo, appropriate emendations, etc.).
  4. Sight reading (possibly including, but not limited to, maintenance of tempo, playing of correct notes and rhythms, attention to diacritical markings, etc.).
  5. Accompanying (possibly including, but not limited to, following, maintenance of tempo, playing of correct notes and rhythms, etc.).