Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

MCOM 4900 Professional Development in Mass Communications

In this course, students will compile the best examples of their work in Mass Communications into a digital portfolio. Students will also write career objectives and personal statements. They will create resumes suitable for their chosen career path(s).

Registration Name

Pro Development in MCOM

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours




Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Improve writing, editing, and technology skills
  2. Develop a portfolio including:
    1. Resume
    2. Six published or aired work examples
    3. Capstone Deliverables
  3. Develop website to house portfolio to include:
    1. Resume
    2. Six published or aired work examples
    3. Five deliverables (Research paper does not have to, but can, be included in website)
    4. Interactivity, audio and documentary
  4. Improve organization and management skills
  5. Understanding of the job market