Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

FRSC 4100 Crime Scene Investigation II Forensic Reconstruction

This course is intended to develop a general understanding of the fundamental components of advanced crime scene reconstruction. The course provides a presentation of various techniques, skills, and methodologies incorporated in crime scene reconstruction. This course is designed to enhance understanding and methodology for reconstruction of crime scenes using bloodstain evidence and ballistic evidence. While the central focus will be bloodstain evidence and ballistic evidence, a considerable amount of time is spent by students analyzing bloodstain patterns and ballistic defects.

Registration Name

Crime Scene Investigation II

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





FRSC 1101

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  • Identify the function of bloodstain pattern analysis as it relates to crime scene analysis.
  • Identify and recognize the basic categories of bloodstain patterns.
  • Identify and explain the methods used to document bloodstain patterns.
  • Recognize basic types of ballistic evidence encountered in crime scenes.
  • Identify the three areas of study involved in trajectory analysis.
  • Recognize the morphology of entry and exit defects produced by bullets
  • Explain proper use of a trajectory rod kit.