Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

ART 3331 Intermediate Ceramics

Continuation of wheel thrown and hand built ceramics, with the introduction of basic mold making techniques. Students will explore advanced glaze calculation and alternative firing processes as they develop a personal voice in clay. An additional three hours of independent studio work is required.

Registration Name

Intermediate Ceramics

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





ART 2230, and ART 3330

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Develop press mold and slipcasting techniques.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the strengths and limitations of various forming techniques.
  3. Demonstrate a developing understanding ceramic terminology.
  4. Understand and use safe work habits of studio practice and equipment maintenance.
  5. Demonstrate a developing understanding of basic clay and glaze chemistry.
  6. Demonstrate a basic understanding of the firing process.
  7. Begin to synthesize forming, glazing, and firing techniques for personal solutions in clay.
  8. Demonstrate a developing knowledge of historical and contemporary ceramics.
  9. Demonstrate choices based on a developing understanding of a balance between personal aesthetics and technical demands of the ceramic process.
  10. Demonstrate a developing understanding of visual solutions and speak about the technical ascetic choices in a critique setting.