Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

ART 2335 Introduction to Printmaking

This course will introduce students to a variety of printmaking techniques and processes. Students will create editions of original graphic artworks. Group and individual instruction. An additional 3 hours of independent studio work is required.

Registration Name

Introduction to Printmaking

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours




Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

-Students will learn the organizing elements and principles of art and design. Department Goal 1.1
-Students will learn various print processes and produce editions of unique and original works of art. Department Goal 2.1
-Students will develop a working knowledge of a print studio, chemicals and equipment.
-Students become familiar with historical and contemporary approaches to printmaking.
-Students will utilize conceptual thinking and formal strategies to address project guidelines and themes.
-Students will demonstrate and use course vocabulary.
-Students will actively critique and evaluate their own finished works as well as the work of classmates