Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

ARED 4420 Art Education Methods (P-6)

Seminars, presentations, workshops, and peer collaborative planning will help students understand and develop a standards-based art curriculum. An emphasis will be on developing an age-appropriate curriculum based on studio practice, art history, and aesthetic inquiry methods appropriate for the P-6 grade child and instructional methodologies for teaching and assessing. Topics include a history of art education related to current issues, integration across subjects, and social and cultural approaches to pedagogy.

Registration Name

Art Educ Experiences, P-6

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours




Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

1. Develop a knowledge of child development in the visual arts including how to assess artistic growth and progress; particularly grades P-6.
2. Demonstrate a basic understanding of a standards-based curriculum structure (GA Standards of Excellence) for elementary art programs in the content areas of studio practice, art history, criticism and aesthetic inquiry.
3. Understand how other subject areas can enhance art learning by integrating content areas (science and the humanities) with visual arts standards within lessons or units of study.
4. Engage in practical experiences in working with the materials, media and processes appropriate to teaching elementary arti n grades P-6.
5. Investigate social and cultural approaches as it applies to art education pedagogy, P-6.
6. Develop an understanding on how to assess student knowledge, experiential backgrounds, and interests to devise learning experiences to assess needs.
7. Work collaboratively and individually to develop a variety of formative and summative assessments to evaluate student growth and development in art.
8. Develop a knowledge of art teaching methods and classroom management strategies appropriate to the discipline of elementary art, P-6.
9. Understand the role of art teacher as curriculum designer.