Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

ACCT 3020 Intermediate Accounting II

A continuation of Intermediate Accounting I. A study on the analysis of and reporting for intermediate-level financial accounting topics such as the acquisition and subsequent treatment of fixed and intangible assets, accounting methods for investments, long-term liabilities, stockholder’s equity, and earnings per share. 

Registration Name

Intermediate Accounting II

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours





ACCT 3010


Demorest: Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Apply GAAP standards relating to the acquisition of property, plant, and equipment. 
  • Record post-acquisition activity relating to property, plant, and equipment assets. 
  • Understand and explain the accounting for intangible asset valuation, amortization, and impairment. 
  • Account for various investment types and report those investments in the financial statements. 
  • Record the issuance and subsequent activity for bonds and various forms of long-term debt. 
  • Describe and account for transactions relating to contributed capital. 
  • Calculate earnings per share and describe the requirements for reporting earnings per share.