Student Handbook 2024-2025

Housing Applications and Deposits

Housing Applications & Deposits

Applying for Campus Housing

The housing application is a separate process from the application to Piedmont University. Receipt of an applicant's housing application does not guarantee admission to the University or assignment to University housing. The receipt of an application and deposit establishes priority for room assignment purposes. The priority deadlines are June 15 for the Fall semester and November 15 for the Spring semester. A meal plan is required. 

  • All new students requesting campus housing should: Pay their $250 non-refundable housing deposit to the Business Office, Daniel Hall 207 or pay online Student Accounts.
  • Complete the online housing application using the eRezLife link. 
  • Submit their proof of immunization form
  • Housing selection for returning students will be in the Spring semester. The housing application will be available in eRezLife. All returning students requesting campus housing should:
  • Pay the $50 non-refundable housing deposit to the Business Office, Daniel Hall 207 or pay online. Deposit will increase to $250 if not paid by the priority deadline.
  • Complete the online housing application using the eRezLife link
  • If needed, update contact information by submitting a Student Information Form.


The occupancy period is for one academic year, except Winter Break and December Graduates. Each semester is dependent on the academic calendar and liable to change based on published dates from the University. Charges for housing will be assessed with tuition prior to the beginning of the semester. Should a student not vacate their housing assignment at the end of the academic year, end of Spring semester, and not be approved to remain on campus by the Director of Residential Living, the University reserves the right to remove the student’s belongings from the unit and change the access for the building and/or unit. The Office of Residential Living reserves all rights in connection with assignment and reassignment of all rooms, as well as the termination of the occupancy. Those rights include the authority to terminate the Housing Agreement of any student who violates the Residential Life policies specified herein or in the Student Handbook. Students whose housing is terminated by the University will not receive a Housing refund, unless stated by Administration of the University.

Winter Break
Students who remain in University owned housing during Winter Break time will need to receive prior approval from the department of Residential Living and pay a weekly rate for housing with the exception of students scheduled to work or participate in an event for Piedmont University. During this time all University and department policies are in place, and the University will be operating at a reduced capacity at times.

Summer Housing
Piedmont University offers limited Summer Housing for students enrolled in summer courses, employed by the University or students who may be housing insecure. Summer housing locations will change each year, and all residential students who take part in summer housing will be required to relocate to the designated facility. 

For students to live on campus during the Summer, a Summer Residential Living Housing Contract will need to be completed. Students who remain in University owned housing during this time will need to receive prior approval from the department of Residential Living and pay a weekly rate for housing with the exception of students scheduled to work or participate in an event for Piedmont University. During this time all University and department policies are in place, and the University will be operating at a reduced capacity at times. 


Residence hall space for new students is filled on a first-come, first-served basis. By requesting on-campus housing, submitting a non-refundable deposit, and turning in the housing paperwork (listed above), students may be assured campus housing. Returning residents are offered an opportunity to reserve a residence hall space for the next academic year by submitting a deposit during the spring semester. Returning residents who do not submit a deposit during the spring registration will be assigned housing based on availability after all new and transfer student requests have been met.

Residence Hall and roommate assignments are determined by students' preferences through the eRezLife housing portal. Students who desire to live together will be able to form roommate groups through eRezLife. Whoever is in the roommate group with the earliest allotted selection time will be eligible to select roommates/suitemates during that period.

Every attempt is taken to accommodate residence hall and roommate requests, but this is not guaranteed. Students who are not assigned rooms (due to a lack of available space) will be added to a waiting list and assigned as soon as space is available.

Guarantee of Space

All inquiries for on-campus housing should be directed to the Residence Life Office at 706-778-3000 ext. 1357.

The University guarantees housing for applicants who have paid a housing deposit and have signed a housing contract. There is no guarantee of single or double occupancy for any residence hall room on campus. Assignments are made based on space available. The University reserves the right to assign students to another space, room, or hall, when it appears to be in the best interest of individuals or groups of students. Specific policies concerning campus housing are described in the residence hall contract.

The University may revoke housing privileges of students when it is determined that a student is not actually residing in their assigned space. Failure to attend classes or lack satisfactory academic performance, could result in loss of housing privileges.

The University reserves the right to determine that past behavior and/or criminal activity is such that the interests of the University, the resident, and/or other residents would best be served by cancellation of the contract. If the University becomes aware that the resident has a record of criminal conviction or other actions indicating behavior that could pose a risk to person or property and/or could be injurious or disruptive to the residence hall community, the University may not accept or may cancel the Housing Contract.

All residents are expected to maintain a healthy physical and mental wellbeing while residing in the residence halls. Any resident whose behavior indicates otherwise may be required to have an examination by a health care provider or consultation with a University official.  Furthermore, should it be determined that a health or safety concern exists, the University reserves the right to suspend or revoke the resident’s Housing Contract.

It is the policy of Piedmont University to offer full, equal, and non-discriminatory assistance to all students without regard to race, color, religion, nationality, disability, sexual-orientation, or sex in both placement in University housing and in the furnishing of facilities and services relating to that housing.


Each student in campus housing must read and sign a room contract to claim their assigned room. The housing contract is binding, unless otherwise provided, for the entire academic year.


Students are required to pay fees, charges, and fines within a specified time by the specified due date. Piedmont University students whose student accounts do not have an acceptable payment arrangement in place by the published due date will be charged a $100 late fee. This fee will be billed to the student’s account and must be paid along with any other unpaid fees.

Students whose accounts are delinquent may forfeit their right to attend classes, live in residence halls, take final examinations or otherwise participate in the academic program until satisfactory arrangements have been made with the Student Accounts Office to meet financial obligations. Diplomas, certificates, and transcripts are issued only when the students’ accounts have been paid in full.

Students whose accounts are delinquent as of the payment due dates for each semester may not be permitted to register for the following semester. In addition, transcripts (official and non-official) and transient letters are not issued to students with outstanding financial obligations to Piedmont University.

Students with past-due account balances are not permitted to attend class or live in residence halls. Any resident student who hasn’t settled their account by their move-in time will be charged a $250 move-in penalty. The student will be provided with a detailed list of items that are required in order to avoid the penalty fee. The move-in penalty will be billed to the student’s account. The fee will be removed if satisfactory payment is received by Student Accounts by 2:00 pm on the following business day after the scheduled check-in.

Satisfactory payment is (1) submitting payment in full or (2) making the first payment on the payment plan. This payment must be paid by 2:00 pm on the following business day after the scheduled check-in. If a residential student is unable to pay their account balance in full by the due date, a 4-month installment payment plan is available. There is a $50 enrollment fee for the payment plan. Payments will be divided into four equal monthly installments



Residential Living and Piedmont University seek to accommodate all students within University owned housing. While spaces can be limited, staff will work with students needing or seeking special accommodations. Should a student need or be seeking special accommodations an email should be sent to and