Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Travel Study

Consistent with its goal to attract top students, Piedmont University promotes travel opportunities for academic credit. Recent programs have included trips to international destinations including France, Ireland (graduate), Galapagos, England, Japan, Vietnam, Switzerland and Chile (graduate). Also opportunities in Czechia, Germany, Poland, Chile, Scotland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, and Italy, as well as domestic trips to Alaska, Arizona, New York, the Pacific Northwest, and California. Students may also study abroad for a semester at the University of Paderborn, (Germany), University of Nottingham (England) or Veritas Universidad (Costa Rica), with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Piedmont University encourages domestic and foreign study opportunities for its students. In order to ensure consistency among travel-study programs, all programs must be pre-approved, not later than 60 days prior to the scheduled travel, by the Vice-President for Academic Affairs in coordination with the Senior Vice-President for Administration and Finance and the President. A detailed proposal is required for each travel-study program and shall include the following:

Nature and purpose of the travel-study program; objectives; academic requirements; itemized budget showing anticipated revenues and expenses; daily schedule of activities related to the program, both on-campus and off-campus; specified transportation arrangements utilizing approved vendors; specified accommodations for hotels or otherwise (written agreements or other written documentation must be provided); and meal arrangements.

All students who participate in any travel-study program must complete an Information Form to include: passports and visa numbers, including expiration dates, where necessary; documentation of medical insurance covering the participant; indication of any student health problem or other necessary medical information; names(s) and contact(s) in the event of an emergency; and an institutional student waiver form. All documentation and forms must be submitted to the dean of the respective college not later than 60 days prior to the scheduled travel.