Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Chemistry (CHEM)


Professor Carrigan 

Associate Professor Bailey

Assistant Professor Ketch

The science of chemistry is concerned with the composition, structure, properties and reactions of matter. The scope of chemistry is extremely broad; it includes the whole universe and everything, animate and inanimate, in it. Chemistry is concerned not only with the composition and changes in composition of matter, but also with the energy and energy changes that accompany the transformations of matter. Through chemistry, we seek to learn and understand the general principles that govern the behavior of all matter.

The chemist, like other scientists, observes nature and attempts to understand its secrets. A chemist may interpret natural phenomena, devise experiments that reveal the composition and structure of complex substances, study methods for improving natural processes, or synthesize substances unknown in nature. Ultimately, the efforts of chemists advance the frontiers of knowledge and at the same time contribute to the well-being of humanity.

Chemistry majors work in the pharmaceutical industries, food safety and testing, paints, plastics, synthetic materials, and the petroleum industries. Employment possibilities are available in the private sector, educational and research institutions and governmental agencies. Additionally, chemistry majors often pursue careers in applied research, laboratory testing, and graduate study in chemistry and related fields.

Science, including chemistry, is centered on application, not merely the learning of a body of facts. Therefore, an important focus of a major in the sciences at Piedmont University is developing a working knowledge of the scientific method and process of scientific inquiry. This prepares students to succeed in graduate school while ensuring that they receive an education that is comparable to the finest institutions in the country.

Course Descriptions