Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Directed Independent Study (DIS)

Directed independent study leads to the completion of a regular University course and receipt of academic credit. The DIS is completed by the student under the direction of the course instructor independently of scheduled class hours. While Piedmont recognizes that there is, at times, legitimate need for such study, its policy is to keep this practice to a minimum; thus, the following criteria are carefully observed:

  1. Directed independent study is offered only for those courses that are listed in the current Piedmont University Catalog.
  2. A directed independent study course is typically taught in the semester preceding graduation, entry into a professional program, or student teaching, and must be the last course needed to complete the requirements for the above. In the case of a special (non- degree) student, directed independent study is approved only for a course that will not be offered during the entire forthcoming academic year.
  3. The request for permission must be based on a schedule conflict or difficulty arising from the academic schedule and not from the student’s non-academic routine.
  4. No student is permitted to undertake directed independent study until the Request for Directed Independent Study Form is approved. This form and all required documentation must be submitted to the Dean of the appropriate college before the beginning of the drop/ add period of the semester in which the directed independent study is to be undertaken. Failure to obtain the required signatures or to provide any of the documentation listed on the checklist on the back of the form may result in rejection of the request.
  5. After approval by the Dean of the appropriate college, all materials will be forwarded to the Vice President for Academic Affairs for final approval. A letter approving or denying the DIS will be mailed to the student, advisor, Dean, and Registrar. If approved, the student will be registered for the DIS by the Registrar’s office.
  6. To receive academic credit, the student must meet all the requirements of the course as it is regularly taught.
  7. No directed independent studies are conducted in the period between academic semesters.
  8. A grade of ‘I’ (Incomplete) is not given except for medical reasons.

The Request for Directed Independent Study Form is available in the registrar’s office.