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Title IX Policies and Procedures

Piedmont University (“Piedmont” or the “University”) has policies and procedures in place regarding the receipt, investigation, and resolution of complaints of discrimination, including sex and gender identity discrimination. The University has enacted a Sexual Misconduct Policy (Title IX Policy) to reflect and maintain its institutional values and community expectations, to provide for fair and equitable procedures for determining when this Policy has been violated, and to provide recourse for individuals and the community in response to violations of this Policy.

This Policy prohibits all forms of sexual harassment and discrimination, gender-based harassment and discrimination, and sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. This Policy also prohibits retaliation against a person who reports, complains about, or who otherwise participates in good faith in any matter related to this Policy. The University’s full policy and procedures can be found here: Title IX/Legal Disclosures | Piedmont University.