Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Satisfactory Academic Progress For Graduate Students

The U. S. Department of Education mandates that institutions of higher education establish minimum standards of “Satisfactory Academic Progress” for students receiving federal financial aid. Piedmont University applies these standards to all applicants for federal financial aid such as TEACH Grant and Federal Direct Loans.


Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is determined by careful evaluation of qualitative and quantitative criteria. Determination of SAP status will be made at the end of each semester.

A. QUALITATIVE CRITERIA (GPA) - To be eligible for federal financial aid, a graduate student must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale.

B. QUANTITATIVE CRITERIA (Pace) – Federal financial aid recipients must show measurable progress toward earning a degree or completing teacher certification by successfully completing at least sixty-seven percent (67%) of all courses required by the program of study. This standard will be applied to current and former students. Semester credit hours completed will be those courses in which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D or P. Semester credit hours attempted will include all courses for which a student has received a grade of A, B, C, D, F, P, I, IP, NP, W, WF, or NR. Credit hours and grades for repeated courses will be used in this determination. All transfer credit hours will be evaluated towards attempted and completed rate (pace).

For example, a student who has attempted 16 credits must successfully complete at least 11 credits to meet the 67% required minimum completion rate.

C. MAXIMUM LENGTH OF STUDY AT PIEDMONT UNIVERSITY - A student accepted into a graduate degree program may attempt no more than 150% of the required credit hours in required courses for the degree or teacher certification. All transfer and repeated course credit hours will be included in the total number of attempted credit hours. Once a student exceeds the maximum length of study, they will no longer be considered making satisfactory academic progress and will not be eligible for federal financial aid.

For example, a student pursuing a master’s degree, which requires 36 credit hours to complete, will reach the maximum timeframe after attempting 54 credit hours.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Statuses

FINANCIAL AID GOOD STANDING – Student has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher, student is completing sixty-seven percent (67%) of all attempted credit hours, and student is able to graduate within 150% maximum timeframe limit.

  • FINANCIAL AID WARNING – Student’s cumulative GPA dropped below a 3.0, and/or student did not complete sixty-seven percent (67%) of all attempted credit hours, and student is able to graduate within 150% maximum timeframe limit. A student is able to receive federal financial aid while on financial aid warning status but must meet SAP standards during that term of enrollment to remain eligible for subsequent federal financial aid.
  • FINANCIAL AID SUSPENSION – Student did not meet SAP standards while in Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Probation status, or it is determined that the student will not be able to graduate within 150% maximum timeframe limit. Student is not eligible to receive federal financial aid while on Financial Aid Suspension. Classes taken after losing eligibility will be at the student’s expense and will need to use funds other than federal financial aid.
  • FINANCIAL AID PROBATION – This status is only granted upon the approval of a Financial Aid SAP Appeal. Student may receive federal aid for one semester but must meet SAP standards by the end of that term to remain eligible for subsequent federal aid.

Incomplete grades

When an incomplete grade is finalized, it would be factored into the student’s SAP calculations at the end of the next semester of enrollment.  There will not be a retroactive change of the student’s SAP status when the grade of “I” becomes a final grade since, at the time of the SAP evaluation, the grade of “I” was a valid grade.

Reestablishing Eligibility of Federal Financial Aid

Financial aid eligibility may be reinstated when the student raises their cumulative GPA to a 3.0 and has achieved a cumulative completion rate of sixty-seven percent (67%) of all credit hours attempted. Reinstatement of financial aid eligibility may also occur upon approval of a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal. A student who exceeds the maximum length of study at Piedmont University (item C) may appeal if the student changed the program of study. However, an Academic Success Plan may be required.

If there are extenuating circumstances that prevented a student from making SAP resulting in a status of Financial Aid Suspension, it is possible to appeal to the Office of Financial Aid for a review of those circumstances as they relate to the student’s academic standing. An appeal is required for consideration of a student being placed on a probation period of one semester.

Appeals Process

A student may request consideration for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility through a formal appeal process by completing the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form. 

An appeal must be received within two weeks after the start of the term for which aid is being requested. Aid will not be awarded retroactively for a prior term in which financial aid eligibility was suspended or during which satisfactory progress was not made. Completed forms and supporting documentation may be delivered in person at the Financial Aid Office or by email through a Piedmont University email account.

Appeals may result in any one of the following actions:

  • Reinstatement of federal financial aid on probation.
  • Reinstatement of federal financial aid on an academic plan where the student will be held to specific requirements.
  • Denial of reinstatement of federal financial aid

The Financial Aid SAP Appeal Form MUST include these two components:

  1. The extenuating circumstances that resulted in the student’s failure to make SAP. Acceptable circumstances on which a student could base an appeal are those that could not have been foreseen at the beginning of the semester or enrollment period, and that was completely beyond the student’s control. They could include serious injury, illness (physical or mental) of the student or an immediate family member, death of an immediate family member, financial difficulties, relationship problems, family responsibilities, or other extenuating circumstances. Appeals should include a detailed description of the applicable circumstances, along with related documentation (i.e., a statement from a physician or other healthcare provider, a report from law enforcement or social services agency, a copy of a death certificate, etc.) that supports those circumstances.
  2. The positive changes that have occurred that will ensure the student can achieve SAP by the next evaluation. The student must include information regarding extenuating circumstances that will no longer exist or be an issue, as well as any additional measures that will be taken to ensure they will make SAP during the probationary semester or enrollment period, if granted.
  3. The Director of Financial Aid, or another designated senior member of the Financial Aid Office, will review each written appeal, along with relevant academic history. The student will be notified via their Piedmont University email account of the appeal decision. A student whose appeal is approved will be placed on Financial Aid Probation for one semester. While on Financial Aid Probation, a student may receive federal financial aid for one probationary semester or enrollment period, after which another SAP review will be conducted. A student who fails to meet the academic requirements outlined in the Financial Aid Probation email notification, will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. A student may appeal a second time. However, the circumstances must be unforeseen at the beginning of the term.

Maximum Timeframe Extension Appeal Process

Students have the right to request an extension of their financial aid eligibility once per degree objective should they exceed or expect to exceed the maximum credits allowed for their degree or certificate. Students will need to complete an SAP Appeal Form and include an Academic Success Plan. Submission of an appeal does not guarantee approval.

If an appeal is approved, coursework will be limited to courses required for the completion of the degree. In addition, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and successfully complete all courses listed on their Academic Success Plan. Failure to meet the requirements of the approved timeframe appeal will result in the suspension of federal financial aid eligibility.

NOTE: If a student has been academically excluded and wishes to appeal that status, the Registrar's Office should be contacted for instructions. There are two separate appeal processes for academic exclusion and financial aid suspension. The financial aid appeal will be held until the academic exclusion is resolved and the student is readmitted to a degree program. The appeal of financial aid suspension will not correct the academic exclusion. Likewise, being academically reinstated will not automatically remedy the financial aid suspension. Students should contact their academic advisor for assistance.