Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023
Music Education P-12 (BA)
Bachelor of Arts Degree
General Education
Students who enter with fewer than 24 semester credit hours must satisfy the institutional requirement.
Music Foundations
Students must enroll in MUSC 1900 every semester and pass a minimum number of semesters of recital attendance to graduate.
All Music Education majors must pass the piano proficiency requirement in MUSC 1174. The department may require students to complete MUSC 1171, MUSC 1172, and MUSC 1173 prior to enrolling in MUSC 1174., All keyboard majors must enroll in MUSC 1175 and pass an advanced piano proficiency exam.
Ensemble Participation
Music majors must register for a minimum of one ensemble course each semester.
Music Education Major
Total Credit Hours: 131-140