Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2023

ART 2215 Black and White Darkroom Photography

Operation and use of the 35mm camera; methods of processing and printing in the black and white darkroom; and exploration of practical and artistic applications of photography. Special emphasis is placed on the analysis and understanding of the creative process, technical merit and the art of seeing. An additional 3 hours of independent studio work is required.

Registration Name

Black and White Darkroom Photo

Lecture Hours


Lab Hours







Demorest: Spring

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Knowledge of 35 mm SLR and medium format manual camera operations
  2. Expertise in 35 mm and 120 mm film processing, including exposure bracketing, push/pull film processing, film types, ISO, resolution and grain 
  3. Ability in split filter printing for fiber-based silver gelatin prints, small scale to mural scale prints
  4. General understanding of the zone system
  5. Use of tripods and hand-held light meters
  6. Insight into the history of photography and contemporary art practice
  7. Facility with basic theory and criticism
  8. Ability to conceptualize and materialize ideas in photographic form
  9. An in-depth understanding of the literacy and functionality of photographic images and how they operate within the culture at large
  10. Skill in engaging in the critique process and class discussions
  11. Skill in conducting visual and conceptual research relevant to class topics