Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

NRSC 3000 Neuroscience Foundations

This course introduces students to the field of neuroscience, explores the cellular and molecular basis of neural systems, and discusses the neural basis of cognition. Students are expected to leverage their understanding of biology and chemistry to build a working knowledge of neuroscience fundamentals.




BIOL-1101 BLAB-1101 BIOL-1102 BLAB-1102 CHEM-1101 CLAB-1101 CHEM-1102 CLAB-1102 or CHEM 2351

Typically Offered

Online: when needed

Student Learning Outcomes

1. Discuss the history and purpose of neuroscience.
2. Display a basic understanding of the biological systems that underlie neurological phenomena.
3. Understand the fundamentals of cellular and molecular biology as they pertain to neuroscience.
4. Understand the process by which signals are transmitted between the neurons and from neurons to muscles.
5. Articulate the organization of the NCS (Central Nervous System) and its components.
6. Connect the functioning of neurons to the phenomenon of cognition.