Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

EDEM 3334 Social Studies Methods, P-5

Principles, skills, procedures and materials for teaching aspects of related social studies in the social studies program. There will be 15 hours of directed field experiences embedded into this course. A pre-service certificate is required for this course.




Pre-service Certificate EDUC 2000

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. Analyze the basic features of social studies instruction (definitions, goals and objectives, curriculum, etc.). [InTASC Standard 4: Content Knowledge]: Central Focus, Academic Language
  2. Explore effective techniques for planning, guiding, and managing small- and large-work, meeting individual needs and differences (including special needs and ELL students), and assessing learning, incorporating both CCGSE (K-5) (6-8) and the National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies (NCSS). [InTASC Standards 1: Learner Development, 2: Learning Differences, 3: Learning Environments, 4: Content Knowledge, 5: Application of Content, 6: Assessment, 7: Planning for Instruction, and 8: Instructional Strategies]: Planning for Instruction (Task 1)
  3. Analyze social studies teaching models, strategies and techniques for developing concepts and generalizations; (b) developing student's thinking processes and creative abilities; and (c) developing attitudes and values. [InTASC Standards 1: Learner Development, 3: Learning Environments, 4: Content Knowledge, 5: Application of Content, 7: Planning for Instruction, and 8: Instructional Strategies]: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning (Task 2)
  4. Reconsider and make changes in the instructional environment so that activities, student movement, and materials distribution are effective and efficient. [InTASC Standard 3: Learning Environments]: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning (Task 2)
  5. Use questioning techniques as an effective classroom strategy, especially with the inquiry model. [InTASC Standard 5: Application of Content and 8: Instructional Strategies]: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning (Task 2)
  6. Explore strategies for effective use of current events and instructional technology in early childhood, middle grades, and/or secondary education. [InTASC Standards 4: Content Knowledge, 5: Application of Content, 7: Planning for Instruction, and 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice]: Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning (Task 2)
  7. Analyze the conceptions of multicultural education and develop a practical approach to teaching with a multicultural perspective. [InTASC Standards 3: Learning Environment, 2: Learner Differences, 8: Instructional Strategies, 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice, and 10: Leadership and Collaboration]: Context for Learning, Planning for Instruction (Task 1)
  8. Incorporate current theory and research to practice. [InTASC Standards 1: Learner Development, 2: Learner Differences, 3: Learning Environment, 4: Content Knowledge, 5: Application of Content, 6: Assessment, 7: Planning for Instruction, 8: Instructional Strategies, and 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice]: Commentary that includes theoretical reference
  9. Explore the National Curriculum Standards and the C3 Framework for Social Studies as well as recommendations of the National Council for the Social Studies. [InTASC Standards 5: Application of Content, 8: Instructional Strategies, and 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice]: Planning for Instruction (Task 1), Instructing and Engaging Students in Learning (Task 2), Assessing Student Learning (Task 3)
  10. Develop competence in selected knowledge components of the K-5/6-8/9-12 social studies curriculum. [InTASC Standard 4: Content Knowledge]
  11. Explain your personal set of beliefs regarding K-5, 6-8, and/or 9-12 social studies curriculum. [InTASC Standards 9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice and 10: Leadership and Collaboration]