Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

PHYS 6200 Conceptual Physics II

Survey course in physics that covers heat sound, electricity and magnetism, and light.



Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

(modified from Georgia Performance Standards in Physics)

SP1. Students will be able to analyze the relationships between force, mass, gravity, and the motion of objects. (Spring Semester)

SP2. Students will be able to evaluate the significance of energy in understanding the structure of matter and the universe. (Spring and Fall Semesters)

SP3. Students will be able to evaluate the forms and transformations of energy. (Spring and Fall Semesters)

SP4. Students will be able to analyze the properties and applications of waves. (Spring and Fall Semesters)

SP5. Students will be able to evaluate relationships between electrical and magnetic forces. (Fall Semester)

SP6. The student will be able to describe the corrections to Newtonian physics given by quantum mechanics and relativity when matter is very small, moving fast compared to the speed of light, or very large. (Spring and Fall Semesters)