Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

EDEM 7745 Advanced Internship II

A candidate must complete an application for internship prior to registering for EDEM 7744 and provide a copy of his/her year-long teaching contract to the Clinical Placement Coordinator. The internship experience is based in a public or approved private school. Advanced Internship placements may take place only within a 50 mile radius of the campus unless otherwise approved by the Dean of the College of Education. Candidates are jointly supervised by University faculty and the employing school. This is a Pass or Fail course.




Cumulative GPA of 3.0, admission to teacher education, and a non-renewable certificate issued by the PSC (which requires a passing score on the GACE ECE Tests - 001 and 002).

Student Learning Outcomes

During Advanced Internship the Advanced Intern will:

  1. research and leverage student assets including personal, cultural, and community assets as well as prior academic knowledge;
  2. create and modify environments and experiences to meet the individual needs of all children, including children from diversity backgrounds, children with disabilities, developmental delays, linguistic differences, and special abilities;
  3. develop an atmosphere conducive to student learning and one which gives evidence of effective class control and student management in a democratic classroom;
  4. deconstruct state standards and curriculum resources to prepare and teach daily, weekly, and unit lesson plans based on developmentally appropriately depth and breadth;
  5. evaluate and utilize scholarly research and articles in order to inform instructional practices;
  6. use instructional technology, including assistive technologies for children with disabilities;
  7. evaluate students and self-using a variety of summative and formative assessments;
  8. aggregate and/or disaggregate assessment data to identify learning patterns and inform planning and instruction;
  9. cultivate and demonstrate professional behaviors and dispositions as described in the PBDA;
  10. and demonstrate awareness of and a firm commitment to the profession’s code of ethical conduct.