Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

THTR 2235 Puppetry Arts

Students will learn and develop the ability to both create and work with differing types of puppets. Throughout the creation process, students will study this history of the art form, develop scripts and ultimately perform varying styles of puppetry. Structured for educators and performers, this course promotes the appreciation and understanding of puppet theatre across a broad-range of styles including wayang, bunraku, foam, bread and puppet, and others. Structured to be entertaining and hands-on, this course depends highly on class participation.



Typically Offered

Demorest Campus: as needed

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Develop the abilities to both create and work with varying puppets.
  2. Research the history of the art form.
  3. Develop scripts and perform varying styles of puppetry.
  4. Strengthen existing skill in vocal performance, creativity and construction.