Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

HSCS 2321 Principles of Athletic Coaching

This course emphasizes a comprehensive approach to the foundations and theories of coaching and will provide an overview of concepts that are essential in the preparation of coaching at various skill and academic levels. Topics include developing a coaching philosophy and leadership style, understanding the psychology aspects in areas such as team cohesion, motivation, and improving player performance, and the physical attributes such as sport nutrition and physical training.



Typically Offered

Demorest Campus: fall

Student Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes:

Develop a coaching philosophy and understand the importance and value of having one

Understand objectives and factors involved in selecting a coaching style

Recognize principles for coaching with character and developing good sportsmanship in athletes while understanding how to coach and relate to athletes with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities

Know psychological principles for communicating effectively and motivating athletes

Develop methods to teach both technical and tactical skills

Develop practical evaluation system taking into consideration ones strengths

Recognize the issues related to planning, organizing, and directing daily task as a coach and how to manage and delegate things to staff

Have knowledge of methods for effective team management as it relates to interpersonal relationships in coaching and how to protect athletes and coaches from risk and liability problems