Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

EDMG 3331 Reading Methods, 4-8

Foundation in the teaching of reading with an emphasis on the traditional and progressive strategies that reflect the reading/writing connections and support embedding reading and writing across the curriculum. Word recognition skills; phonics; comprehension; fluency; vocabulary development; relationship of reading and writing; spelling, listening, oral language, library, dictionary and study skills will be emphasized in how they relate to content area instruction. Directed field-based experience is required.




EDUC 2251

Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to

  1. Explore, compare, and contrast the major approaches to reading instruction, incorporating current theories and research practices
  2. Establish an understanding of what occurs during reading by observing and collecting relevant instructional data on student performance during reading lessons.
  3. Describe, discuss, and synthesize the elements that are involved in a total reading program.
  4. State the conditions that are most conducive to the development of competent readers.
  5. Define phonemic awareness and provide examples.
  6. Understand the concept of phonics and how phonics instruction can contribute to reading ability.
  7. Understand theory and research on emergent literacy.
  8. Describe techniques for working with children who are learning a second language.
  9. Demonstrate knowledge and skills for effective ways to organize and manage reading instruction in the classroom environment for all students, including diverse learners and children from different cultural backgrounds.
  10. Demonstrate understanding of methods for teaching narrative and expository texts.
  11. Understand and implement several strategies for teaching vocabulary, word identification and comprehension.
  12. Understand various grouping strategies for reading and their particular usefulness.
  13. Apply research-based strategies for teaching reading comprehension.