Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

BUSA 1210 Introduction to Microeconomics

This course focuses on analysis of economic factors impacting supply and demand, consumer behavior, production and costs, prices, and markets. We also explore the interaction of government and economics through price and quantity restrictions, externalities, public goods and common resources.





Typically Offered

Athens Campus: fall evening — Demorest Campus: fall day, spring day

Student Learning Outcomes

At the successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. Use the Laws of Supply and Demand to predict market outcomes and changes to these outcomes
  2. Use demand theory to describe the spending and saving decisions of consumers
  3. Identify and analyze the impact of significant microeconomic trends
  4. Describe and analyze profit maximization behavior of producers as prices and costs change
  5. Identify the expected and unexpected effects of government regulation on businesses and markets