Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

ANTH 1102 Introductory Anthropology

The history, methods, concepts and major contributions of anthropology.



Typically Offered

Athens Campus: spring day/night - Demorest Campus: fall day

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Knowledge from the four sub-fields of cultural, biological, archaeological, and linguistic anthropology. 
  2. Knowledge of the central concepts and processes such as culture, evolution, and bio cultural perspectives. 
  3. Be able to examine the methods and theories anthropologists use to study, critique, and contribute to our understanding of human diversity. 
  4. Have a breadth of knowledge about human origins and diversity and will express this knowledge in written and spoken forms. 
  5. Be able to apply this knowledge to issues that affect our daily lives and world events. 
  6. Developed writing and speaking skills as they pertain to the subject matter of the course as well as fostering critical thinking, defined as the ability to evaluate, synthesize and create knowledge.