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Administrative Structure

Dr. James F. Mellichamp, President

Dr. Daniel K. Silber, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Mr. Brant Wright, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance

Dr. Perry Rettig, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs

Mr. Craig Rogers, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

School of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Steven D. Nimmo, Dean

Dr. Steve Jacobs, Associate Dean and Interdisciplinary Studies Chair

Dr. Wallace Hinson, Associate Dean of Fine Arts and Director, Conservatory of Music

Department of Art: Christopher Kelly, Chair

Department of Humanities: Dr. Hugh Davis, Chair 

Department of Mass Communication: Dr. Joe Dennis, Chair 

Department of Mathematical Sciences: Dr. Michael W. Berglund, Chair 

Department of Natural Sciences: Dr. Elaine Bailey, Chair

Department of Social Sciences: Dr. Tony Frye, Chair 

Department of Theatre: William Gabelhausen, Chair

Harry W. Walker School of Business

Dr. J. Kerry Waller, Dean

Dr. Jeff Bruns, Associate Dean

Margaret Ryder, Associate Dean

School of Education

Dr. Mark Tavenier, Interium Dean

Dr. Nancy Strawbridge, Associate Dean

Dr. Kelly Land, Associate Dean

Department of Elementary Education: Dr. Lillian Reeves, Chair

Department of Exceptional Child Education: Dr. Elias Clinton, Chair

Department of Middle Grades Education: Dr. Katrina Short, Chair

Department of Secondary Education: Dr. Lynn Rambo, Chair

Division of Advanced Studies: Dr. Clay Crowder, Chair

Doctoral Education: Dr. Mark Tavernier, Chair

Kathleen Carter, Associate Vice President, Graduate Enrollment

R.H. Daniel School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Dr. Julia Behr, Dean

Dr. Abbey Dondanville, Associate Dean, Health Sciences

Dr. Tabatha Anderson, Associate Dean, Nursing

Dr. Jaime Johnson-Huff, Associate Dean, Nursing