Undergraduate Catalog 2019-2020

Honors Program in Natural Sciences

The Honors Program in Biology allows academically qualified students to delve deeper into the scientific experience and to better prepare for post-graduate education by conducting independent research. To that end, students who are in the Honors Program are required to take BIOL 4989 (Honors Senior Research) and BIOL 4999 (Honors Thesis) in addition to their major requirements. Honors students also take BIOL 4959 (Honors Senior Seminar) instead of BIOL 4950 (Science Seminar). Students having a GPA of 3.0 or better may apply for entry into the Honor Program during their junior year. Those with a GPA of 3.5 or better are guaranteed acceptance. Students in the Honors Program receive scholarship money as well as recognition upon graduation that they graduated with Honors in Natural Sciences.