Graduate Catalog 2019-2020

HIST 6611 History of the "New South"

A graduate level directed readings course in which conflicting historical interpretations and primary sources comprise major content elements of history of this region from the Era of Reconstruction to rise of the Sun Belt. May be offered online or in the classroom.



Typically Offered

As needed online

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Increased understanding of the major events and individuals of New South history from the beginning of the Era of Reconstruction to the Present and comprehend the challenges the region faces daily.
  2. Understand the relationship of the past and the present in the history and life of the former Confederacy and rest of the nation.
  3. Improved ability in written and oral expression.
  4. Improved readings skills.
  5. Improved ability to consider a mass of historical information, analyze it critically, and form logical conclusions.