Graduate Catalog 2019-2020

EDS 8877 Communication for Professional Practice

Communication involves that which is written, spoken, or implied and involves both receptive and expressive skills. Effective communication with all stakeholders is essential to the success of any organization or group. This course examines the fundamentals of communication theory. It is designed to assess communication processes, determine problems, successes, and roadblocks in communications, and improve the candidate's ability to communicate in both individual and large organizational settings. Specifically, issues of communications within the school setting are examined.



Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. communicate vision, goals and priorities
  2. focused on student learning andorganizational effectiveness
  3. communicate student and school progress, Georgia law, and other important
  4. information through a variety of media
  5. use oral and written communication skills to effectively communicate with all stakeholders
  6. understand and use skills appropriate to the cultural contexts of communication
  7. demonstrate improvement in interpersonal communication skills
  8. express ideas clearly and concisely and for a variety of audiences
  9. define communication as a skill and recognize the various forms of communication
  10. develop strategies and staff development opportunities to improve communication for staff and teachers