Graduate Catalog 2019-2020

ART 8651 Contemporary Issues in Art Education

This is a graduate level seminar, which focuses on theoretical perspectives in the area of art education and the relevance of theory to the practice of curriculum development and implementation, and scholarly writing in art education. Students will explore and engage with selected theories of the 20th and 21st century's that hold a place of prominence in current research, curriculum, and pedagogical dialogues in the field of art education. This course will involve careful reading of the work of key theorist through both primary sources and secondary sources that exemplify putting theory to work in art education and related fields. This course is not intended to promote particular theories or theorists, but rather to assist graduate students in their development as researchers and scholars who persist in the difficult work of challenging the limitations of personal experience, understanding, and ways of knowing through engagement with theories that can offer alternative perspectives.



Student Learning Outcomes

SCHOOL OF EDUCATION OUTCOMES (See School of Education Syllabus A – IV)


Upon successful completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:

  1. Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:
  2. To be able to explain emerging and current trends and their implications to art education.
  3. To demonstrate an understanding of emerging and current trends in art education to improve teaching practice.
  4. To be able to synthesize recent research relative to teacher and student learning in diverse school settings and communities.
  5. To develop curricula based on emerging and contemporary issues in art education which includes differentiated instruction for all learners.
  6. To demonstrate the ability to make educational decisions which are supported by data rather than only on personal opinions.
  7. To evaluate emerging and contemporary issues as they relate to educational policy.
  8. To develop an individualized plan of action to explore current trends and new ways of reaching students in and through the visual arts.
  9. To interpret a contemporary issue in art education that has personal meaning within a work of art.
  10. To design curriculum to be implemented within a class or community setting including a developed rubric to evaluate the curriculum.
  11. To continue development as a scholarly researcher and writer in art education, learning skills and concepts relevant to writing in the field.