Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019

SOCI 3320 Structured Social Inequality

Study of structured social inequality (class, gender, and ethnic/racial) with reference to the unequal production and distribution of societal reward (wealth, status and power). Topics include the nature, types and theories of social stratification and their consequences; and changes in structured social inequalities in advanced industrial and post-industrial societies.




Either SOCI 1101, SOCI 2210, ANTH 2250, or permission of instructor.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. Understand and explain the processes and institutions related to inequality and the characteristics of class, race, and gender.
  2. Use theoretical and methodological approaches to studying social stratification and apply them to current social events.
  3. Demonstrate understanding of various classical ethical arguments regarding society and apply them to the issues of social inequality.
  4. Demonstrate proficiency in writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills.