Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019

MUSC 1050 Music Fundamentals

Concentrates on the fundamentals of reading and writing music as well as elementary harmony. Essential elements are covered such as staves, clefs, notes, note values, key signatures, scales, meter, intervals and triads. An introduction to the keyboard is included. Course does not count toward a major or minor in music.



Typically Offered

Demorest Campus: fall day

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon the completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate the following outcome-based learning skills:

  1. An understanding of core music theory concepts including literacy of music notation, accidentals, enharmonic spellings, half and whole steps, rhythm, simple and compound meter, beat subdivision and syncopation, major and minor scales, melodic harmonization, intervals, triads, basic conducting patterns, and basic cadences.
  2. A knowledge of scale degrees, solfeggio, and Curwen hand signs, in employing beginning sight singing and ear training exercises.
  3. An ability to aurally identify major and minor scale types, meters, triplets, syncopation, major and minor modes, basic intervals, and triad qualities.
  4. Critical thinking skills in the synthesis of knowledge gained, through an ability to identify, analyze, and apply specified concepts.